Closer To Love

Thursday, May 20, 2010

Blog Post #6 (Final Blog Post)

1. What was your favorite Geology topic this year? Why?

-The rock cycle, because the first teacher to ever tell me what it was gave me a horrible representation of it.

2. What was your favorite Meteorology topic this year? Why?

-Hurricanes, because I never knew all that much about how they opperated until now.

3. What was your favorite Astronomy topic this year? Why? (Include a picture for #1, #2, OR #3)

-Star life cycle, i thought it was the most interesting because before i came here i had never heard of it.

4. What grade do you think you earned on the Final Exam? What did you do to prepare? Is there anything that you wish you had done differently?
-I think i made an A on it. Studied alot. No.

Tuesday, May 11, 2010

Friday, May 7, 2010

Blog Post #4

1. What made the Big Bang "bang?" In other words, why didn't the universe just stay in a tiny little sphere the size of a golfball? More details = more points.
-I'm using the "Dun" theory, I think that after a while, maybe things in the universe get TOO full and then it will expand and then will slowly shrink, From Avatar the movie "You can't Fill a cup that is Already Full".
2. What do you think would happen if you went into a black hole? Scientists only know what happens until you get to the event horizon. Anything beyond that is really just an educated guess. More details = more points.
-I Think that you would die. Because you would be sucked into it, be crushed down to a size smaller than an atom, then i bet you would just stay in the black hole until the next bing bang happend, which would probably be a few Billion years.
3. Tell me what you think about worm holes? When you pass through one, where do you go? WHEN do you go? More details = more points.
-All that I know about worm holes is that they are bends in space that would instantly take you from one point in the universe to another in a matter of seconds.

Friday, April 30, 2010

Blog Post #3

1. What are the four ways scientists can detect planets?
-Radial Velocity, Astrometry, Transit Method, and Optical Detection.

2. Which way makes the most sense to you? Explain it.
-Transit Method, seems like it would be more noticeable.

3. Explain the concept of the "Goldilocks Zone."
-It is the point in a solar system, where it is just far enough away from the sun to where the planet wont burn up but close enough to where it doesnt freeze.

4. If Gilese 581c does have life, what do you think it would look like? How would it act? Would it be intelligent?
-It would be un-intelligent, and it would most likely have very rough skin and be able to withstand extreme heat constantly.

5. Do you believe in aliens? Why or why not? Give me a solid paragraph.
-Yes, our universe is GIGANTIC and it would be a complete WAIST if we were the only life here. I mean we havent seen all of our own region of the galaxy, and there are BILLIONS of galaxies.

Monday, April 26, 2010

Blog Post #2

1. What is the primary gas in the Jovian atmospheres?
2. What is the primary gas in Mars and Venus?
-Carbon Dioxide
3. If you had to visit one planet, which would it be? Why? Give me a solid paragraph. (consider many factors such as location, temperature, atmosphere composition, and anything else you you feel is important)
-Mercury, because Mercury in recent studies may be able to support some life. It is close to the sun so we woulnt freeze. But it isnt to close to where we would immediately die, but scientists have confirmed that the poles on Mercury NEVER point towards the sun and are constantly at or around 32 degrees feirengheit year round. And they have frozen water on the poles.

Wednesday, April 21, 2010

Blog Spot #1

Search for aliens (SETI)
-This is my FAVORITE subject in science. The fact that there might be (most likely) something else out there! I mean, I'm always saying that if we were the ONLY ONES that would be a serious waste of space!

Big Bang Theory
-The fact that a big BOOM happened and our universe was created is a little much. I'm no scientist, what so ever. But a big boom and there it is. Our universe. Really? I'm a little skeptic about this one guys.

Worm holes
-I always thought that worm holes were an interesting subject. The fact that you could literally move through a worm whole that is the size of a WORM HOLE is very amusing. And the fact that you never know where you are going to end up.

Black holes
-Black wholes, a subject that i always thought was creepy yet cool at the same time. It would be SO COOL to see with my own eyes a black whole! But it would suck majorly to be sucked into one!

International space station
-I dont know very much about this one guys. I mean, yeah the idea is pretty sweet. But I just dont see the wicked importance of it being there. I mean, what does it do that we cant do on Earth? Ooooooohh everything floats as your looking at it! Whoopie. Just playing, but seriously, I would be insanely cool to actually be ON the INTERNATIONAL SPACE STATION.

Monday, April 19, 2010

Blog Post #6

1. Which blog was your best this quarter? Why?

-My 4th blog post. Because I think I put the most effort into this one.

2. What topic did you enjoy learning about the most (from chapter 17-20)? Why? Include a picture.

-Anenmometers, we did a Lab on it, and I thought they were interesting to learn about how they work.

3. What grade do you deserve for your 3rd Quarter Blogs? (Keep in mind some basic math. If you only did 3 out of 6 of them you cannot earn above a 50%.)

Tuesday, April 13, 2010

Friday, April 9, 2010

Blog Post #4

1. Check out Fayetteville's pollen forecast. Which is affecting us the most right now: tree, grass, or weed pollen? Specifically, which trees, grasses, or weeds?
-Oak Trees
2. "You're Surrounded by Pollen," so read this article. What is needed for a "perfect storm" of pollen?
-Dry windy weather
3. Choose a microscopic image of pollen. Which one looks the best to you? Why? Where is this pollen commonly found? Write a paragraph in your own words explaining this specific type of pollen. Include a cool-looking picture. You may need to use other websites to help you.
-This type of pollen is most commonly found on flowers, and it is a major causer of people's allegies.

Friday, April 2, 2010

Blog Post #3

1. What are the five states of matter?
-Solids, liquids, gases, plasmas, and Bose-Einstein condensates

2. What is needed to change a gas into a plasma?
-Add energy or heat.

3. What is the temperature at "absolute zero?" (in Farenheit, Celsius, and Kelvin)
k: 0.
F: -429.67
4. What is the temperature in space? (in Kelvin)
-3 Kelvins

5. What do you think plasma would like look/smell/feel/taste? How about Bose-Einstein Condensates? Do some research on other sites, but ultimately come up with your own unique answer :)
- Look: Sometimes it looks like neon lights.
Smell: Like a light bulb
Feel: Like a neon light.
Taste: Fruit.

Monday, March 29, 2010

Blog Post #2

1. List three technologies that the school plans to utilize.
-Geothermal A/C, photovoltaic power systems, and rainwater collections.

2. Explain each one. (you may need to check out other websites for research)
-Geothermal A/C: Steam or hot water for air conditioning.
Photovoltaic power systems: Solar Panels.
Rain water collections:Water plants and trees.

3. Earth Day is coming up. Click on one of the Core Issues. Which one did you choose?
-Climate Change.

4. What is the big problem associated with this issue?
-It is significantly changing fater than normal.

5. What can you do to fix this problem? Give me a solid paragraph.
-I can recycle items as much as possible becaue it would save lots of gasses being released into the air by factories burning or disposing of the waste the other way.

Friday, March 26, 2010

Blog Post #1

1. Which hurricane did you choose?
-Hurricane Floyd, 1999.

2. What category was it on the Saffir-Simpson scale?
-Category 4 Hurricane

3. Tell its story.
-It was firts spotted on September 2nd of the coast of Africa, then made it's way aaaallllll the way to the Gulf of Mexico, and swirved around through Florida.

4. How many lives were lost? How much damage did it cause ($)?
-40 million dollars in damge to Florida, about 9,000 people died in Central America.

5. Include at least one picture.

Friday, March 19, 2010

Blog Post #7

1. What was your best blog this quarter? What made it so good?

-I think my worlde post was the best because I made that wordle really awesome looking.

2. What grade do you deserve for your blogs this quarter? Why? (Remember to do some basic math here. If you have only attempted 5 out of 7 blogs, the absolute highest grade you could earn is 71%)

- I believe is deserve a 100% since I made all of my blogs as best as I possibly could.

What was your favorite topic in 2nd Quarter? Why? (Ch. 8,9,10,12,14, 16) Give me a solid paragraph explaining your answer. Include a picture.

-My fvotire subject learning about was th elayers of the atmosphere because I was interested in how in the Troposhere it gets colder the higher you go up, but in the Stratosphere it gets hotter the higher you go up, then in the Mesosphere it gets colder the higher you go up, then finally in the Thermosphere it gets hotter the higher you go up.

Wednesday, March 17, 2010

Friday, March 5, 2010

Blog Post #5

1.It's official: Asteroid Wiped Out The Dinosaurs, Published by Reuters.

2.Their thesis was that an Astroid hit earth 65 million years ago and killed all the dinosaurs.

3. I don't know if i agree or not. Scientists never say to think with absolutes, and well I'm not a scientist. But I believe that their thesis is believeable. If that makes sense, ha. :)

Friday, February 26, 2010

Blog Spot #4

1. Choose a scientific discipline (biochemistry, biology, chemistry, etc.) and a scientist from that list. List the scientist and discipline that you chose. What was their contribution?
Benjamin Banneker, Mathematics. He created the first almanac.

2. Inventions ?List 3 cool things invented by African-Americans and the respective inventor.
-Benjamin Banneker invented the almanac, and taught himself astronomy and advanced mathematics.

3. Checkout the 101 Fast Facts. List your favorite from the "Inventions and Discoveries" tab. Who did you choose? What did they invent/discover? Why is this significant? Also checkout the "Records Breaking," "Little Known," and "Firsts" when you are done.
-I found out that a person named L.P Ray invented the dust pan.

Friday, February 19, 2010

Blog post #3

1. How were Rodinia and Pangaea similar and different from each other?
-Pangaea had all the continents conected, and Rodinia didn't have all the continents conected.

2. When did the tectonic plates appear to move the fastest? (biggest difference between two consecutive maps)
-The breakup of pangaea from 700 to 750.

3. Look at Pangaea (250 million years ago). If the continents looked like Pangaea today, what would the world be like? Think about governments, sports teams and leagues, and other aspects of life.
-I think there would be more chaos then there is already, mainly because if we can't play nice now, and we're hundreds of miles apart. Why do you think that we'd get along better all the same continent together. I also think that there would be one gigantic force, like, one nation or group bigger than china today.

4. Look at Pangaea. If you could pick any place in Pangaea to start a modern civilization, where would you pick? Why? (there is a key on the bottom of the page that explains what the little letters in the maps stand for. For example, "ar" means Arabia.)
-SA, South American, because it would have all the benefits of having a giant coastline, and they also have a major chunk of inland boundaries.

Thursday, February 11, 2010

Blog Post #2

1. List all of the geologic periods in order from oldest to present (Cambrian to Quaternary).
-Cambrian, Ordovician, Siurian, Devonian, Mississippi, Carboiferous, Pennsylvania, Permian, Triassic, Jurassic, Cretaceous, Tertiary, and Quartenary.

2. Come up with a mneumonic to help you remember the order. (example: My Very Eager Mother Just Served Us Nine Pizzas)
-Cooking, Onions, Seriously, Determines, My, Cooking, Potential, Preferably, Testing, Jubilant, Challenging, Talent, and Quiche.

3. First watch this animation. Then put the rock layers in order from the image on the right.
-D, A, E, B, C

Tuesday, February 9, 2010

Blogpost #1

1. How deep is the deepest mine in the world?
-3.6km deep
2. How deep would you have to dig to reach the mantle?
- About 65 to 100km
3. Let's pretend that you and your friends tried to dig a hole in your backyard to find a shortcut to China. The thing is, you guys had special suits that could withstand extreme temperatures, so you would not die. If you were somehow able to reach the mantle, what would it look like? What kinds of things would you see? How about the outer core? Inner core? What would it look like as you approached the surface (the crust) on the other side?
-If you started from the crust going down, when you reached the mantle it would be so hot that you could'nt breathe, plus if you somehow had a way to get to the outer core, it would be nothing but white hot liquid, that if it hit your arm it would probably burn a hole right through it. And you couldn't really get into inner core since its solid molten hot iron.

Friday, February 5, 2010

Blog Post #5

I cannot think or find a sedimentary rock that I use everyday.

I also cannot think of an ingneous rock that I use everyday.

I'm sorry Mr. Dunn but i cannot find a metamorphic rock that I use everyday.

This is obsidian. the coolest looking rock to me and I found a picture of it.

Blog Post #6

1. What grade do you deserve for your 1st Quarter Blogs?
I don't believe i deserve a 100 because I didn't do blogpost #5... I believe at least a 83.333

2. Why do you deserve this grade?
I believe that I put enough effort in my other blogs to make up for my missed blog.

3. Which blog was your best? Why?
I believe my best blog was blogpost #1, because it was beast.

Wednesday, January 20, 2010

Blog Post #4

"If your parents had to buy a new 2009 or 2010 model car, and they wanted your advice, which car would you recommend? What criteria would you use? I would Recommend my Dad buying a Chevrolet Camero 2009 edition, for it has the BEST gas mileage out of the cars I looked up. Plus I personally think it looks the best. :)

Thursday, January 14, 2010

Blogpost #3

Choose 5 minerals that you have used before. Also post a picture of one. For example, you could list gold if you wear any gold jewelry...

I use Copper: In my house we have lots of cords from multiple objects, the cords are wrapped around Copper wires.
I use Halite: I use salt, which is Halite to make my food taste better.
I Have used Diamond: I used to have a Diamond ear ring that was really cool looking. But i dropped it down the sink :(
I have used Talc: I babysitted my cousin and used baby powder while i was changing him.
I have used Sulfur: I used fertilizer to cover my back yard when i was younger.

Tuesday, January 12, 2010

Blog Post #2

Which map projection is your favorite? Why? Include a picture...
My Favorite map projection is the Robinson Projection, it's the easiest map for me to understand. You have the entire world shown on the map. Plus many of the land masses are not proportioned too large, or to small.

Wednesday, January 6, 2010

Blog Post #1

"Which of the four sciences in Earth Science seems the most interesting to you? Why? Include at least one picture."
I learned that the four sciences in Earth Science are geology, astronomy, oceanography, and meteorlogy. Plus how the Nebular Hypothesis is the theory of how our solar system was made.