1. What was your best blog this quarter? What made it so good?
-I think my worlde post was the best because I made that wordle really awesome looking.
2. What grade do you deserve for your blogs this quarter? Why? (Remember to do some basic math here. If you have only attempted 5 out of 7 blogs, the absolute highest grade you could earn is 71%)
- I believe is deserve a 100% since I made all of my blogs as best as I possibly could.
What was your favorite topic in 2nd Quarter? Why? (Ch. 8,9,10,12,14, 16) Give me a solid paragraph explaining your answer. Include a picture.
-My fvotire subject learning about was th elayers of the atmosphere because I was interested in how in the Troposhere it gets colder the higher you go up, but in the Stratosphere it gets hotter the higher you go up, then in the Mesosphere it gets colder the higher you go up, then finally in the Thermosphere it gets hotter the higher you go up

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