1. What made the Big Bang "bang?" In other words, why didn't the universe just stay in a tiny little sphere the size of a golfball? More details = more points.-I'm using the "Dun" theory, I think that after a while, maybe things in the universe get TOO full and then it will expand and then will slowly shrink, From Avatar the movie "You can't Fill a cup that is Already Full".
2. What do you think would happen if you went into a black hole? Scientists only know what happens until you get to the event horizon. Anything beyond that is really just an educated guess. More details = more points.-I Think that you would die. Because you would be sucked into it, be crushed down to a size smaller than an atom, then i bet you would just stay in the black hole until the next bing bang happend, which would probably be a few Billion years.
3. Tell me what you think about worm holes? When you pass through one, where do you go? WHEN do you go? More details = more points. -All that I know about worm holes is that they are bends in space that would instantly take you from one point in the universe to another in a matter of seconds.